August 13, 2012

Freshman Care Kit with a Message

Some of us will be sending our recent
Highschool graduates to College.
I created a Care kit for my daughter for
her to take to her dorm. I included a message
for every item I put in the kit so that
she remembers Home every time she uses
what the kit includes.
Kit Memories ©

Kit Memories ©

This is a summary of the message I wrote:
Dear Gabriela:
It is time for you to depart and start a new life
You will face easy and difficult times
I want you to remember that I will
always be with you, thinking of you
I have included a few things for you
to take to your dorm as I want you to
remember some of the things I have said
to you as you were growing up
I will not be there to remind you
so I decided to give you this kit with
messages that have meaning to us
  1. A toothbrush to remind you to brush every day,
    this is the only smile you will have for the rest of your life
  2. A shaver to shave off the bad things you encounter in your new journey
  3. Replacement blades to replace dull moments with sharper ones
  4. An eraser to erase your mistakes and to remember mistakes are made by humans and can always be corrected
  5. A lip balm to protect your lips from saying things that may hurt others
  6. A mirror to look at yourself first before you look at others
  7. Highlighters to always highlight your accomplishments with pride
  8. A sponge to scrub off the things people may tell you and hurt you
  9. Tissues to wipe out your tears when you cry, it is ok to cry
  10. Bandages to protect you when you fall, you can always get up and continue
  11. Pens to write your memories
  12. Pencils to write bad memories that you could erase later
  13. A journal to keep your most memorable and not so memorable moments
  14. Hand soap to keep your hands clean
  15. Antibacterial to remind you to stay away from those who may want to harm you
  16. A pouch to keep your highlighted accomplishements in one place
  17. A calculator to keep count of all your countless hours of hard work
  18. A blanket to embrace you when you are feeling lonely
  19. Sticky notes to remind you to stick with your plans
  20. Socks to remind you that life "sucks" sometimes, but it always gets better
  21. A Star memo pad to remind you it is your time to shine with your own light
  22.  A heart to remind you that I will always, always be with you, no matter what
Love you,

I put the kit together in a box so we can store items
inside and take them to her new place!!!

*Disclaimer: Kit memories© created by me. This idea may not be used or re-written in any form for commercial purposes without previous permission from me*

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